NewsMax Magazine Exposes Media's War on Bush 

NewsMax Magazine Exposes Media's War on Bush

NewsMax Magazine Exposes Media's War on Bush

The major media will give at least $2 billion worth of friendly coverage to Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry this election year, NewsMax Magazine reports in its June cover story.

In its special report, Media War on Bush, NewsMax Magazine calculated the effect of anti-Bush and pro-Kerry coverage by the major media outlets.

Had Sen. Kerry had to spend the same money in ads on newspaper, TV, radio and Internet ads as provided by free media coverage, the sum would be staggering.

It would easily come to more than $2 billion, NewsMax Editor Christopher Ruddy explains.

The NewsMax report reveals that buying just a few minutes of ad time on Howard Stern's national radio program each day until Election Day would cost Kerry $43 million. But the senator gets that free, as Stern has dedicated himself to defeating President Bush.

Often Stern spends more than five minutes a day using his national radio show, with 8.5 million weekly listeners, to urge his fans to vote against Bush.

I guess that all's fair in love and war, right? If the same people were doing the same thing for Bush I wouldn't complain one single bit. But aren't the major medias also really strong on "campaign finance reform"? You know, keeping a few very rich people from donating huge sums of money to a politician's campaign fund?

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Comment You should read the article. What America has done (hasn't done) since 9/11 regarding Nuclear Proliferation is disconcerning.

Thu Jun 17, 2004 8:55 pm MST by david

Comment Sorry, though I mentioned the Newsweek magazine cover I did not actually buy it. Since you mentioned nukes I'm just going to speak off the cuff and this is not aimed at you... I am not against America having the largest supply of nuclear weapons in the world. I think this deters would-be attackers. I want America to remain the world's super power militarily-speaking. If it was a perfect world we could all dismantle our bombs and firearms. But then again, the kind of warfare we have to protect ourselves from is no longer a military invasion, it's one of lunatics taking flight lessons and flying jets into buildings. There is almost no way in preventing that from happening again. No Homeland Security Agency can prevent a flight from being hijacked while over international waters and then having the plane crashed into downtown Manhattan on any given Tueday. Thankfully, time is linear and God has the final say. I'm no End-Times fanatic but I think this is the most f--ked up the world has ever been! Still, I am going to remain optimistic and I have faith that Good will prevail.

Thu Jun 17, 2004 3:42 pm MST by The Patriot

Comment I completely agree with you. Well, at least in the philosophy regarding campaign finance reform. When will it really take place? That issue is one that reallys miffs me. Speaking of which, I don't know if you read any or Fahreed Zakira's editorials in Newsweek, but I think he is fairly moderate. He wrote something regarding Nuclear Weapons Control in the latest Newsweek. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it.

Wed Jun 16, 2004 8:16 pm MST by david

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